To me, the most
maddening footage running through the early episodes of Ken Burn’s Vietnam
series is the story of the patriotic teenager Denton Winslow “Moogy” Crocker. With
his parent’s reluctant consent, he made it to the fight, and the day after his
19th birthday was killed on a hillside, years before his draft-call,
and well before his well-spoken mother and her leaders voiced their qualms
about the war.
Thank goodness
faith in western institutions today is not so terribly influential as it was after
America settled two world wars. Yet, amongst us still are waves of good sons
and daughters ready to take on causes their parents take seriously around those
dangerous family dining-room tables.
In Canada, it’s
much harder to get in trouble for being loyal. Still, the spirit of family
solidarity in our politics ought to get more attention. Certainly, its force belies
any tingle of nervousness excitement about this so-called transformative era
and is bigger than stale speculation about whether any politician these days
really believes in the formal religious teaching they adopted as children.
An exceptional
public figure can survive the bitterness of switching parties and, today,
seeming indifference to the Crown and God is ignored. However, can you think of
a surviving politician who was found out to be a bad son?
Jagmeet Singh
Jimmy Dhaliwai, Andrew James Scheer, and Justin Pierre James Trudeau have more
common as sons than are divided by either ideology or religion. Indeed, as sons
go, they’re each at least as reliable as their predecessors. Each displays gravitas not so much as
thinkers or partisans, but as sons who can be trusted.
Justin Trudeau is
pretty laissez faire about his policies and styles of dress. And, he’s especially
loquacious about his entire life--what he learned from his father about honor,
and needless to say, how patient he was with his mother. He may be the family’s
peacock, but isn’t a Trump-north narcissist.
The most exciting
thing about Andrew Scheer may be the ‘fire wall’ between his religious beliefs
and his politics, both inherited from his parents. The smoldering question is
whether he’s allowed himself enough space to grow into anything more than the eager
teenage son of a Catholic Deacon in Ottawa.
Putative New
Democrat leader, Jagmeet Singh is the most spectacular straight of them all.
GQ magazine may
have made his exotic religious garb camp and harmless. Nevertheless, his
multi-colored collection of turbans, his Kirpan, and metal bracelet--and simply
surviving as a faithful Sikh in a high school in working-class Windsor, Ontario--all
together display not religious fervor, but foremost the universal qualities of
a loyal son.
He might not
re-win Quebec or have the tactical genius to broaden the NDP vote against a
left-wing Liberal Prime Minister. Certainly, no New Democrat leader has yet.
However, the fear that a social democrat may have an alien Sikh-inspired hidden
agenda is implausible.
If you’re one of
those Canadian who vote according to what you believe will most appeal to
elites in other countries, you’ll stick with Justin Trudeau. However, if you’re
bored with pastel slogans like ‘diversity is our strength’ and want to show off
2017 Canadian values, Jagmeet Singh is the real thing.
Strict atheists
and radical secularists may regret that he hasn’t given up his religion, even quietly,
like a typical Anglican. At the same time, however, they would have to admire
that he stuck with those who brought him to this place.
Despite their
family trees and long left resumes, the others can’t match him when it comes to
honoring those core values that are the deal-breakers in the land of the good
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